Clomid round 6, 8 years infertile and BFP??...


Mentally I have been in a bad place since I found out I had PCOS and infertility 8 years ago at 16. I never quite understood why me and I truly thought it was never going to happen. 6 months of rollercoaster clomid that I was prescribed 10 rounds for. This month I posted on glow how painful sex was this cycle and we only managed to BD once. That one time I cried until he’d finished and he realised I was in so much pain and told me to stop doing this to myself and to think about me first. I felt deflated and the doctors told me it looks like clomid is not reacting well. 5 weeks down the line I’m throwing up, high temperatures and brown discharge for 1 day. The day I was supposed to start my next period and I took 2 pregnancy tests as I normally would. Never in my life have I seen 2 lines on any ovulation or pregnancy test. There it was... a positive pregnancy test after all these years of heartache. We BD once last month and we were giving ourselves a break since then I’ve for my healths sake. We was truly blessed in that moment... we both know it happened that night and the way he looked at me for the rest of that night was lust in his eyes. We made a miracle happen and I hope every single one of you who want this so bad get this too xxx