Breaking point update

Well today was my breaking point. I pushed him to the side and finally let him know my son comes first. If he wants to be apart of his life then he needs to get help and get his anger under control. I can't have my son being raised in a house where I'm blamed and then things get broken and thrown and there's yelling and screaming. I no longer can take the pain with this man. I though getting pregnant and wanting a kid was supposed to be happy. Apparently not. I have had nothing but bullshit after bullshit for these past 5months. I shall find a way to get the hell out of this house. The relationship is over but I have no where to go.

Update thank you ladies for the words and wisdom and courage. I am heading to North Carolina with some friends and will be starting my life in North Carolina. The father doesn't realize I am not taking the Bull any more. He thinks I'm joking until he wakes up and I'm gone. I haven't told anyone else yet because truthfully I am scared of starting fresh but this might be what I need. My friends are also helping me get another job and help get things set up with NC medicaid