My bbt shows I haven't ovulated..

Hmm, so this is my first month tracking my BBT I'm on CD24 of a 34 day (maximum ) cycle.. so far I still haven't had a rise in bbt to show that I have ovulated. My temps range from 36.1-36.3°C n dropped to 35.8°C on the 18th but no obvious rise in temps.. to be honest with yous I'm not surprised I was kinda expecting it as I haven't been able to conceive since my m/c in august 2013 2 years ago n I've suspected for over a year now that I may have a hormone problem , not sure what the next steps from here are. I realise now I'm ether not ovulating or having a very short luteal phase. So if there's any advice anyone could give me it would be much appreciated😊x