Sleep training an always sick child, help!


Little backstory, our daughter just turned two. She’s diagnosed with severe asthma and regularly sees a pulmonologist. Her asthma goes through phases of being controlled/uncontrolled but seems to be getting worse not better. She’s on multiple daily medications and often on steroids or antibiotics. She also gets sick extremely easily and is pretty much sick all winter long, It’s awful.

When her asthma is good she sleeps - when it’s not bedtime is a nightmare. She’s never been a good sleeper but there was a period of time where she slept in her crib no problem. Then she got sick again and made her way into our bed and we can’t get her out. Even sleeping next to us she hardly sleeps and thrashes and coughs all night long. I don’t even know where to begin to try and get her to sleep solo. Or if it’s even worth trying.

Her pediatrician doesn’t like that she sleeps with us but also has no suggestions on how to get her to sleep better. Does anyone have any advice or going through something similar? I am exhausted, from the two years of constant illness and her not sleeping.