What is going on?!

Catelyn • Carson, July 23, 2019! 🤱🏻

My boobs started getting sore and I started cramping around the 1st of this month and knew my period was supposed to start soon and didn’t start til the 6th. So I went to log it on my app and I was 2 days late on starting and it’s not even a real period. I’m spotting, but I only spot during sex and it’s not much at all. After I clean myself up and put a tampon in, there’s nothing on my tampon hours later. My periods are usually bad heavy, and this isn’t a light period cause if I’m not having sex I’m not bleeding. Do I need to take a test or not even waste my time...? Only asking cause I’ve had so many negative results the past few months and I’m not testing unless someone thinks I should. 🤦🏻‍♀️😩 Maybe I’ll be lucky this time..