Help .. confused


Hello ladies... ok my hubby and I have been ttc for a year and a half. I’ve recently started the keto diet and I’ve lost 12lbs, had my first cycle since January in the middle of August. I’ve noticed I’m actually have CM and I’m hoping this leads to a bfp. I do have pcos so that makes it difficult.... but the cm has been stocked then yesterday it was looking like school glue and egg whites idk 😐 a

Last night during the dead.... when my hubby finished... it felt so different. Like he pushed past something... it felt amazing don’t get me wrong... but I’m hoping it’s a good sign?! Let week I was cutting peppers 🌶 open and had two different peppers with two babies growing inside it... hoping it’s another sign!! Then my son last night says mommy you have a baby in your belly... I said oh? And he said yes mommy a brothers to play with!! (He’s only 3). I wish more than anything it’s true!! What do you think? Was this this a good thing? Had anyone had success with keto?