Birth story


August 20th 2018!!

12:42 AM

Ethel Jane Tribbett

7lbs 11oz

20 inches long

First family photo ๐Ÿ˜‚

I went into labor on Saturday Aug. 18th at 11:30pm!

I was in denial that I was in labor and washed a sink full of dishes and swept the floors. As I was getting ready to go down the stairs to do a load of laundry I almost toppled over in pain. I knew I needed to call my sister (my husband is currently deployed). She rushed to my house after I told her my contractions were about 7 minutes apart. We got in the car and started the 50minute drive to the hospital. My sister then informed me that my contractions were actually 4 minutes apart. We arrive at the hospital and the triage nurse started putting my iv in before checking me considering my contractions were so close together and consistent. I was 4cm dilated. I received my epidural and got settled into my bed.

By noon on aug. 19th I was 9cm dilated but my body decided it was going to fight back. My cervix started to swell and I was given Benadryl and inverted in my bed to hopefully relieve some of the pressure on my cervix. Several hours passed and at 12:00 am on August 20th I payed my nurse to start pushing (as they were discussing a c-section) my nurse had to push a piece of my cervix behind my daughters head in order for me to be able to push. For some reason my epidural wasnโ€™t registering so for the last 6 hours of my birth I could practically feel everything. First her head got stuck then her shoulders but 40minutes later I was finally able to push my daughter into the world!

I really donโ€™t know how I managed to do it but gosh she is perfect and worth all the pain I went through!