Gabriela-Jacquelina • 22🦋 Bikini Designer & Expressionist Painter 🦋 CEO of GGBIKINI

Hi <a href="">Eve</a>/Glow Family.

I am 21 and pregnant with my first child. I am curious about perspectives and parenting styles regarding any type of topic. Schoolteachers, friends, sleepovers, house chores, nutrition, discipline, rewards/gifts, establishing confidence + self love and respect from an early age....

Here are somethings I am sure I will outline as a parent:

1. My children will eat as healthy as possible. No pop or deli meats or lunchables and dunkaroos. I will teach them from an early age how to eat properly. I will of course let them have treats and enjoy special occasions.

2. If a teacher refuses them the right to use the restroom they get up and go anyways. When they ask, I will encourage them to say “I am going to the washroom” instead of “May I go to the washroom?”

3. I will often remind my child of their worth and unique presence on Earth and that they are special and can do ANYTHING they work hard to achieve. They will be reminded of their beauty and intelligence everyday.

4. I want my children to be comfortable to tell me any and everything. I prefer they see me as their big adult best friend, whom they can trust and confide in and seek guidance from. My mother is my favourite person in the world and she raised me like this. I went to her with my sex stories and all! We laugh about dick sizes together. I want to provide this same safe space and education without them feeling embarrassed or scared.

5. Good grades + Good Behavior = Rewards earned. You will not recieve just because.

6. They will not have CELLPHONES until they have a job and can purchase their own. Reading, writing, painting, hobbies, social gatherings with friends will be encourages. There is no need for a child to have a cellphone. They will have ample games and can play games on my phone if need be.

7. Restricted TV consumption. You can watch TV when the homework is completed and you have eaten dinner and helped clean up.

I can’t think of any more right now.

Please add your RULES and TIPS below. I would love to get new perspectives and other things to think about. Thank you!