Did I make a bad decision?

This may be TMI but

Okay, so lately I’ve been thinking about having a baby, but I’m not financially ready, or if I’m even ready at all, like am I ready to be a mom? Would I be a good one? What if I make a mistake? All the thoughts are going through my head. Tonight, I told my boyfriend that I want to have a baby and that I want him to cum inside of me, and afterwards I started having second thoughts, and I’m afraid my parents are going to be mad, his parents will definitely be mad. I don’t know what to do, I wanted to be married, but I want a baby so badly. I just don’t get it.. We don’t have our own place yet (working on it), I’m just scared of it all happening if I’m not ready, I tell myself “If I get pregnant then it’s God’s way of saying I’m ready” but I’m just scared that someone or everyone will be disappointed in me.. please help..