Help please!!!!!

Kayce • -MrsR❤️-10/23/20

Ok ladies I need input. My first time posting so bear with me. So I stopped my BC back in May mostly because I kept forgetting to take it so I just gave up. I’m at a point in life where if I were pregnant it wouldn’t be a huge deal and honestly welcomed. My June cycle was 29 days and July was 24 and August was 24. So here I am day 29 or 30 and no period. My man and I had sex Sept 1 when he was in town(we are long distance right now). I should have started at the end of last week/weekend. I have had some bleeding sat, sun but nothing period worthy(didn’t even get on my panties). And this morning a little bit but again not on undies. Usually when I start I’m spotting for a few hours then I need my cup so I don’t hav a mess. But I have not hit that point. My boobs are fire right now and hurt. I’m on and off nauseous acne like my body thinks I’m 15. And tired but I’m also a teacher so not sure if it is any more than normal. Took a test Saturday but it was neg. what do you all think ?????? And when should I take another test?