I need advice

So my husband and I live with my grandparents due to financial reasons. We have a 5 month old baby, who sleeps really well when they aren’t here. Her room is right under the kitchen and you can literally here everything someone does up there and it almost always wakes her up. We’ve tried everything to avoid this, but she is just a light sleeper. Anyway, every time we put our daughter to bed, they always go into the kitchen and be loud. She always wakes up. She’s hard enough to put to sleep. We put her to bed around 9 pm(she falls asleep closer to 10:30), so dinner is already made and eaten by this time, so they really have no reason to go in there. Also my grandpa gets up at 3:30am and always goes into the kitchen and always wakes her, then my grandma gets up at 6 and wakes her. And then she wakes up at 7 for the day. When they don’t have to work(they both don’t work weekends) she sleeps all night. Coincidence????? I’m just tired of it, we’ve asked them politely many of times to please be quiet in the kitchen, (because we know they can’t just avoid it) but yet they don’t listen. Anything I can do or say??

EDIT: Yes I am aware that this is their home. We do pay to live here, about $700 a month. We have talked to them about moving out, but we would like to move out of state and they said it’s not fair to them because they want to be with our baby.(even when we offered to just move down the street to an apartment.) I know, it’s our fault we still live here, but like I said we do have financial problems, so it is a bit easier since we aren’t paying as much. And every time we try and talk about leaving my grandma starts crying because she says it’s not fair. Also, like I said, I am not asking them to avoid the kitchen. Just be a little bit quieter.