Naturopathic Doctor in Progress👩🏼‍🔬👩🏼‍⚕️- Healing the Female Body.

Gabriela-Jacquelina • 22🦋 Bikini Designer & Expressionist Painter 🦋 CEO of GGBIKINI

*If you are open-minded check this out*

Sometimes Western Medicine techniques do not work, are too harsh and often cause more harm than good. After a doctor perscribed me extremely harsh acne cream as an adolescent, leaving me with texture issues I grew distrustful of their methods. I have read even some studies that Western medicine is designed in cahoots with the Pharmaceutical Industry, to cause illness with medicines that have SIDE EFFECTS/INTERACTIONS.

I am studying naturopathic medicine. I believe medicine should just be HEALING! After all, Western Medicine is derived from naturopathic, ayurvedic, chinese & native medicines.

Here are some natural alternatives for children & baby care! As well as FEMALE + MOTHER care. Herbs for rebalancing the body post birth control:

Herbal Medicine (teas)

Pregnancy: Red Raspberry Leaf, Blue Cohosh, Cotton Root, Cramp Bark, False Unicorn, Gentian Root, Motherwort Herb.

Menses + Rebalancing after Birth Control Pills: Angelica Root, Black Cohosh, Chamomile Flower, Chaste Berry (rebalancing favourite), Coltsfoot, Cotton Root, Cow Parsnip Root, Cramp Bark (for cramping), Dong Quai Root, False Unicorn (delayed menses), Ginseng Root, Hyssop Leaf, Jamaican Dogwood, Motherwort Herb, Oatseed, Parsley Leaf/Root, Passionflower, Quassia, Red Raspberry Leaf, Skullcap, Partridge Berry, Valerian Root, Wild Yam Root, Beth Root, Butterbur, Gravel Root.

If you have any specific questions or concerns, feel free to follow me and message me!! I can help. This does not just include female specific care. Problems with breathing, acne, colds, boils, constipation, fever, earache, headache, indigestion, bedsores, burns, calluses....