Nail help...very important

Hello everyone. So I recently had a very bad virus that left my nails peeling and eventually most of them came completely off. On a more vain level I LOVE taking care if my nails and I'm missing the way they look of course. But more seriously right at this moment I'm in a lot of pain. The nerves are exposed and it hurts to even wash my hands or do my hair. My question is does anyone have any advice?? I've tried olive oil, lemon juice and salt soaks. I am taking biotin. I use vitamin E at night. They just keep peeling and it hurts like hell.

When I lost my first one I was going to just suck it up and get fake ones until they grew out but with all these exposed nerves there's no way. What doctor would I see for this? A dermatologist? I am so confused. I never had this happen before. Thanks so much in advance for any help.