My mom added me on Facebook pt2


My mom sent me a friend request. We haven’t talked in almost two years, and tbh I was a little hopeful that she might talk to me. Although I’m still angry and won’t forgive her anytime soon (she’s a n abusive narcissist) I was also hoping she’d talk to me so I could talk to my baby sister. Since she’s basically forbidden us to contact each other. Anyways she sent me the request and although deep down I kept telling myself “she’s only going to snoop, tell her to fuck off and be nosy elsewhere” I talked to my husband about it and he said maybe I should accept her so I can talk to my sister. I miss her so much. She’s 9. So she can’t call or text me. Anyways I took into consideration what he said and I accepted her fake profile request (she has a fake profile). Then I waited.... and waited... and waited. Three days passed and she said absolutely nothing to me. On the fourth day in the morning I checked and she deleted me. And I knew it would happen but it still stings. Why can’t she be a normal mom and love me?