I am so happy and nervous!!

Yes • Mommy of 2😍expecting 3rd💕🙏

I am 5 weeks pregnant and I am so so happy it will be my third child but first with my fiancée, he also has 2 kids. So we both are very happy and it was planned so we are so thankful for this buttttt I’m incredibly nervous!!! I had a miscarriage last year and this seems unreal. I’m nervous about telling my parents (I’m 30 years old smh) but they always wished I got back with my kid’s dad but when I tell them they’ll finally understand that isn’t happening. And I’m nervous because my appointment is not until the 27th!! So I’m just really anxious and I’m so early in my pregnancy that all I think about is that I hope my baby is ok..... what do u do so you are not constantly thinking about it or worrying so much?

I know all you can do is give me advice but they we’ll be appreciated ❤️