Wrong Address


Wednesday evening came quickly. I looked forward to it every week! Book club! We had all gotten pretty close over the years. We were all neighbors that lived within two miles or less of each other. Everyone walked so if one of us got a bit tipsy, we didn’t have to worry about driving home.

“Ok everyone! Let’s take a seat and get your drinks now. Our newbie will be coming shortly!”, Michelle said to the group.

Michelle owned the house. A doctors wife, they could afford the huge house, nice cars, and pool. Oh! Did I mention the fake tits and Botox! But, it paid off! At 42, she looked 24!

Going clockwise, next came Cathy. Cathy was head of the PTO, cheerleading coach, and former Ms. California.

Then Liza. Liza was usually the one that drank the most and partied the hardest. Never a dull moment. 39, widowed and turns every head on the street!

Next came Darla. The wife of the most successful Lawyer in the state! He loved his job! And she hated him, but loved the money!

[ding dong]

“Oh! That’s probably our new member!”

Michelle opened the door and there before her stood a gorgeous, smoking hot platinum blonde, blue eyed, Swede named Anka.

“Please, come in!”

As Anka walked in, she hulled in a rather large box with her, sliding it inside the door frame then dropping one side loudly.

After introductions, a drink, and settling in, Liza had to ask!

“Um, Anka? What the hell is in the box?”

[In Swedish accent/broken english]“Uuuhhhh, I...don’t know this. When I get to my house.....today. In the morning. It was there...at the door...with wrong address!”

“Hm, I wonder what’s in there?” Darla asked with a curios look on her face.

“I....ah....am not...familiar...with this mail process. So, I do not know of how to send back. So, I bring here!”, Anka said with a big smile.

“Well! Let’s open it!”, Cathy exclaimed.

They all crowded around the box in curiosity.

“Look at the label! It says: QUEEN PINK LOVE, LLC. What does that mean?”, asked Michelle.

“One way to find out!”, Liza said.

She started cutting around the top edges on either side, followed by the center strip. They all looked at each other like little girls on Christmas morning. She slowly opened one flap....then another. She grabbed a hold of the last two inner flaps as all the women half hid their eyes.

“Ooooopppeeeennn Sesame!!!”

Liza flung open the last two flaps! They all looked inside the plain brown box. They took in a deep breath in gasp! Every eye in a surprised state! Silence...

“Fuuuuuccccckkkk Yyyyeeeessss!!!!”

To be continued