Every year my husband cheats on me.


Every year around September, my husband becomes a completely different person. He changes his appearance, he is never home (and when he is he is totally distracted) and he spends all our spending money.

Fantasy mother-loving Football.

He’s obsessed.

He will spend hours tinkering with his lineup (just pick 5 and move on!!!!). He will become completely deaf to his crying baby, or even the fact that I got home from work. He will be talking to his friend on the phone about the pros and cons of different types of leagues. He will spend most of his time at the sports bar or at a friends house (I do not let him pay for the premium sports channels, bc we need to buy diapers and food. I’m a monster.)

He literally will not talk about anything else. Whenever he brings it up I can feel my soul start to leave my body in a desperate attempt to escape.

It’s. So. Boring. And. Awful.

Someone tell me who is responsible for inventing this stupid game/hobby/passtime/sad distraction.

I need to have Words with this motherf.

Please see this actual Gif of my husband.