Mom Guilt - Breastfeeding or Formula


Kind of in my feelings so I apologize for the long post and appreciate you reading!

My sweet girl is 7 weeks old. Around 3 weeks old she became extremely fussy, gassy and just plain colicky. This has been extremely difficult to deal with. It’s frustrating and overwhelming to feel so helpless. We have been exclusively breastfeeding and due to her tongue tie we have had some trouble, but with the help of a nipple shield, lots of practice, and patience, we finally got the hang of nursing. I modified my diet and went dairy free and stayed away from any foods that could cause a lot of gas. Its been an adjustment, but I really wanted to breastfeed her. We used the gas drops, the gripe water, but it all only made small improvements. Over the past weekend we had to let her grandmother watch her for a few hours and unfortunately I haven’t been able to pump quite enough to leave with her. I spoke with my daughter’s pediatrician and she said this was completely normal and her recommendation was to supplement with Enfamil Gentlease. She was so calm and almost like a new baby after a feeding with this formula. I wasn’t sure if this was a coincidence, so we replaced a few feedings between nursing at home and it seemed to really help her. At this point, I’m not sure if I should completely switch her to formula since she’s done so well with it. I never thought I would feel so heavy hearted about this because I’ve always just thought “fed is best” but I feel as if I’m giving up or letting her down. I’ve gone through all of this in my mind like “Is there something wrong with my milk?” or “Am I doing enough?” I’m just tired of wrestling this around and ready to make some decisions. Does anyone have any advice or a similar circumstance?

Here’s a couple of photos of my baby girl, Laila 💗