Boyfriend made me cry today

I’ve been struggling with severe anxiety for quite a few months, and lately it has resulted in me having to quit my job. I still live with my parents though so it’s not an urgent thing at the moment.

I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year and a half, and he has been my rock through this. He refuses to leave me, and does whatever he can to help me. He makes me cry from his sweetness and care a lot, but today was the first time I genuinely couldn’t hold back.

He’s currently in school still, and for one of his classes he has to create a budget. We were talking about and he was discussing how high he had put the rent and figured everything out based on how much he’ll make when he finishes his internship and gets a job. I told him that if we end up moving in together, everything would be cut in half so he doesn’t have to worry. Without even blinking, he told me he had planned it to where if I needed to take a break from work when we live together, he had a plan so he could still take care of everything.

This man is only 18, and he shows me love in ways that I never could’ve expected at this point in my life. I’m so incredibly lucky to have found him.