Guilt after getting frustrated

Posting anon because I’m embarrassed.

I guess I need to know I’m not alone (though I hope I am) or if I need help. I know I’ll get harsh comments, but I need guidance on how to stay calm and maybe encouragement from others who have maybe been in my shoes.

Generally my daughter and I are always happy. We are so close even though she’s only 10 months.

The past week or so breastfeeding has been very difficult cause of teething.

I’ve gotten so frustrated that I’ve yelled things like “just eat” and the only way I can describe it is manhandled her. Nothing to hurt her but I pull her off and just set her down in haste. It has scared her because in my frustration

I’m rough and just done.

A few mins later after I’ve calmed down, she’s just sitting there crying”mama” wanting to be held totally unaware as to why I’m mad and why she’s being treated so harshly.

I feel so guilty, as I should. I hate myself and just hold her and apologize. I would never hurt her but I feel like this is worse because she didn’t do anything wrong.

Am I alone? I hope I am because I don’t want any baby to feel like this but I just need encouragement.

I gave to do better in these tough moments.