Would you exaggerate your own/your child’s illness/allergies to keep them safe?


As most of y’all know, I do behavioral therapy. One of my clients has a rare kidney disease and due to this, has a high potassium level. He is not supposed to eat a lot of potassium because of this. However, his mother told me he isn’t allowed potassium at all. Would you exaggerate an illness like that?

This was inspired by what I thought was a major fuck up today. I gave my client fruit snacks without checking the ingredients and took it away the second I realized there was potassium. I almost called 911 because my client’s mom had told me absolutely NO potassium. Luckily I called her first and she told me to to worry. When I got back to their house, I realized the majority of the food she gives him has potassium. Would you exaggerate for yourself or your child?

**I’m not mad at her about this. Him eating those fruit snacks was my fault. I’m just happy he’s okay**

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