I feel like I will never get there...

I just need to vent.. I’ve been trying to improve myself for my husband, my future babies, and myself. I want to be the best version of myself so that my husband and kids can have my best. I’m 30yr old 177lbs. I started at 195lbs. The first 15lbs was easy. I have been fluctuating between 180-175.4 for months. I walk 3miles every day. I started to try to run and I got plantar fasciitis so I couldn’t run for a week. I emailed some chicks that run and they gave me some advice. As soon as I was able to run again I tried and I ended up hurting both knees really bad. I can hardly walk today. I’m just so frustrated. I’m trying to work out and lose weight but it’s like everything is against me.

I just want to lose weight and feel like myself again.. my depression and not feeling like myself is hurting my marriage.. and I want to be healthy so then maybe I can finally get pregnant

I just needed to vent. I’m hoping that my knees will heal quickly and then maybe I’ll just keep walking to lose weight.. idk what to do