Another post about porn

So my husband and I have been together since we were young, very young teens. And I’ve always gotten mad at him over watching porn I would see it on his phone sometimes he would forget to close out of it, of course he would always say he just wouldn’t watch it anymore but honesty I didn’t really believe that. Now we’re adults and I’m a lot more mature and still til this day he says he doesn’t watch it whenever the topic comes up. Well I saw it on his phone again 🤦‍♀️ I’m not even mad that he watches it. it’s never something I’ve been comfortable with, maybe because I don’t watch it myself and maybe it does have a tad bit to do with the fact that I’m feeling insecure just had a baby 5 months ago but I’m mad that he lied. I wouldn’t have a problem with it now the way I did before. I didn’t even say anything about me knowing and it hasnt affected the way I’ve been towards him because I’m not bothered by it. I’m bothered that he lied cause I feel if you lie about that you’ll lie about anything. Do you think he lied because he thought I would react the way I used to? Even though I’ve told him so many times I wouldn’t