Fur baby Custody...


Oh my gosh yall.. my heart is literally breaking. We are finally separating after a few years. He had gotten a puppy two weeks before we had really met and before the relationship had started. Then a year into it, we lost a baby.. he got me a kitten I guess to supplement the loss. Then... we were out getting pizza a few months after getting the kitten and there was an extremely underweight, sick, tiny young pup near the road. I nursed her back to health and kept her.

BUT now.. we are splitting up. It has been an extremely toxic relationship and it will be better for us both in the end.

He wants to keep his original dog and the cat. So I would be keeping the younger pup.. but it is killing me to think of separating the animals because they have pretty much grown up together.. I also can not imagine not having all three curled on the bed with me.. all of the little things that pets do to make life great.

Ugh.. help? I am having trouble dealing right now :/