Am i or arent i?


Hi, i have irregular periods. Usually anywhere from 28-36 day cycles. According to glow i am 4 days late for my period. My past 2 or 3 cycles were 33 days long. I am on cd 37. I had unprotected sex multiple times this month with my partner. I wasnt expecting much from this cycle but i started getting slight nausea last week. And my partner decided to get us some tests. I took the first tedt last thursday. I thought i saw a line in the time frame (i snapped a pic the best i could)

I kept it in my purse as i was at my moms that weekend and didnt want to throw it out and have her find it. Just out of curiosity i checked it some time later and it looked like this

I chalked it up to a possible positive result considering it wasnt as noticable within the timeframe as it was outside of it. I took another test yesterday morning and it looked like there may have been a line similar to the one i got last thursday before the time frame was up

But i just couldnt tell. It was really hard to get a pic showing the slight line. But with all that said im still having symptoms of pregnancy. Is it possible i might have to wait another week to get a positive or could this be a chemical or ectopic? Anyone else experienced this and went on to have a healthy baby(ies)?