Measuring 2 weeks behind?


Ok, LMP 7/11, unsure ovulation although I was thinking it was the 28th since my opk was getting darker (but I ran out of tests to confirm) and that's when we had sex near ov.

Tested 8/6 or 7 and it was negative. Missed period on 8/8. Tested 8/12 and it was faint positive. Digital on 8/13 and clear blue were positive.

So I went to my first appt today, expecting to be 8w6d according to lmp. Baby only measured 6w2d..

If 6w2d were true, I would've conceived on the day of my positive test which I know is impossible..

He said he saw a flicker of the heart but couldn't completely identify the heartbeat.

Looking for positive outcomes... I know dating wouldn't really be that much different, but could the babe just be measuring small? I go back for another ultrasound in 3 days in the actual ultrasound dept (this was with the obgyn in their office) so i'm praying for better news..