God leads us if we let him


I had 2 miscarriages after we had our daughter in 2017. I did not understand why as I had 2 other healthy pregnancies so in total 3 live births. I had brought up to my OBGYN that I had Thyroid disease but they told me when I was pregnant with our 1 yr old that it was normal. So, I asked did I need to be taking the medicine and I was told NO. Fast forward to now... I started praying and after my husband said he would be happy to have another baby, I started telling God I didn't want anymore losses. Well, I felt impressed to start taking Thyroid vitamins again. I told my husband and he agreed so I told him I wanted to look up if it's ok to take it while TTC or if pregnant and I not only found that it's very safe either way but that if you do not take it that you will have trouble getting pregnant or miscarrying! I know God showed me and led me. Then the doctor told me she wanted to check my levels on Friday last week because I told her about the info I found. Well they call me yesterday with my results and my THYROID levels are low. Just wanted to pass this along.