Pull ups??

Alright so I think I’m going to start to try to potty train my daughter, she has a potty already and she will only ever sit on it after the bath and she sat on it for like thirty mins but didn’t go.

She tells me after she poops but not before, she knows when other people are on the potty lol, she sometimes pretends to change my diaper😂 or stuffed animals diapers. So she has a basic understanding of that kinda stuff. But she has never gone on the potty. I’m considering buying pull ups and having her get used to pulling them down and up and kinda making her sit on the potty more and hopefully getting her to use it at some point..... I live in an apartment with thick carpet so the running around naked thing isn’t really going to work for us since I do not want to spend hours cleaning the carpet. Any other advice??