Should profits on life-saving drugs be restricted?


Do you think profits on medicine should be capped? There are a lot of stories about people dying because they couldn't afford insulin or epi pens (I am haunted by the story of a man who died just $50 short of his gofundme goal to buy his medicine) , and stories about pharmaceutical companies doing things like buying old, but important drugs that are cheap to make but dear to some and jacking the prices up (like that one drug that was for people with HIV and pregnant ladies, and they took the price from $10 to $1000), just because no other company was making it at the time.)

The pharmaceutical companies would say they deserve to make money back after they spend money on research, but that wouldn't apply to old drugs IMO and they make a *lot* of money- surely they could cover their research costs without extorting people who have a choice to die or pay up. 

Profiteering isn't allowed in natural disasters : you're not allowed to start charging $50 for a bottle of water that was previously listed at $1 just because people are desperate. Why should we allow it with medicine? You can take people for everything they are worth when the lives of their loved ones are on the line. It;'s not right. 


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