Heads up!

Sooo i want to share my experience because I want to give people hope! So it all started at 9dpo when i started having symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue sleepy after a meal,sore boobs and

Cramps. But with that and all i felt like it was just af arriving. Oh yeah i was very gassy as well. So i wanted to test just cause, but all i had was a digital and I’ve read that it requires high hcg so i didn’t want to take the test. So at 11dpo i was craving chocolate sooooo bad but i also get that through pms so i ain’t really stress it. But i was like screw it imma take it. Sure enough i got a no- which i expected cause all these symptoms were also pms symptoms besides the insomnia and fatigue. So i said imma open the digital and yes i know I’m not suppose to but i wanted to see inside. Sooo i actually saw a second faint line but i read on how there’s always two lines and not to trust. So that same day i started getting headaches, cramps and body was hurting me. My cramps were like ovulating cramps so i decided to take a opk and got a positive now i was just completely confused. So i read that Lh surge is normal before period, so i ignored! So now this morning at 12dpo i took another opk and again it was positive and darker! So i said screw it imma get a cheap test just to get it off my chest! So i took two and got

In two minutes! Soooo i was like omg and had two other digitals one frer and one cb from prior testing months and got

Your girl is PREGNANT!!!!!!!! So moral of the story is don’t go off what you read online break the test and you can use opks as pregnancy test as well! Everyone is different! So follow your gut and DONT EVER GIVE UP! Baby dust to all ♥️🙏🏼