The sexy is lacking.....I’m in need of a little help


I’ve come to realize that while my physical appearance is attractive to the only guy that it matters to, I do not know how to do things that are sexy, or rather I feel incapable of executing them properly. I am shy, when it comes to any kind of dancing, sexy or otherwise, or I end up thinking of how things will go, in my head, just before trying them, and I get distracted and mess it all up.

I realize that there tends to be a fine line with doing sexy things—either you execute it beautifully or you ruin it and it ends up being quite a turn off.

I want to try to get over this, and be able to actually be sexy for my love.

I am looking for any tips either to build the confidence, or really just any moves to try. I’ve been looking on Youtube for some moves. Found at least one helpful video, but I know I will need to practice those moves several times alone to get it down. Also the person who made the video said that you need to have music with them... any slow, sexy song suggestions and/or suggestions on how to start the music smoothly?

And one last thing I can think of, my man has mentioned that he likes to be seduced and/or he likes the cute shy sexy types, but I am not really sure what kind of moves would be cute, shy, and sexy altogether. He hadn’t had an example of what he meant, at the time.

You all are wonderful, and I thank you greatly, in advance for your help! ❤️

We live together, and haven’t gone really any days without seeing each other for about the past 1.5-2 years. I don’t always want to do the same things. I want to be able to give my man a different variety of different kinks