🔴Period horror story time!


GUESS WHAT LADIES! I have a story that many are familiar with...PERIOD HORROR STORY!

That’s right it’s the only story us women have that men will never be able to experience. So get ready, sit in a chair, get some popcorn cause it’s gonna be one hell of a story! This actually happened today, as I’m typing this so it makes the story even better

I am 15 years old and I work at my dance studio! I am an assistant of 3 classes and I assist dancers between the age of 11-14. I’m a small yet mighty child! After two of the three classes, I started to have the urge to go to the bathroom so I went. Everything was completely fine, nothing there that would indicate I have my period. I was only coughing because I have a cold because of a dramatic change in weather change where I live, 80’s to 57(this will be VERY important later on in the story!). Everything was bright and dandy. So I get my ballet shoes on for my last class to teach and I was ready to go!

Everything was going smoothly for the first 30 minutes out of 60 minutes, nothing wrong. Well about 20 minutes left I start having one of my coughing fits. I needed a drink and got a sip rly quickly then just went back to help. I coughed one more time...then

it came...two...weeks...early. FIRST DAY OF WORK...and it comes early. Now there is 10 minutes left in class and I’m soaking in my own blood. Praise the lord I had black legging!

I’m dancing and helping as best as I can. Then...class is done. THANK GOD! I rush to get my shoes on and leave! Me and my sister(who was in the class I am assisting...yes she is technically my student) go downstairs to my dads car. We drive home and it’s about a good 30 minutes away from the studio so...30 more minutes of me sitting in my own blood! Yay. Finally I get home and I rush in to the bathroom to change...but wait, I can’t ever end in a happy ending now can I? I want to go change in the bathroom so I don’t get blood everywhere...do you think that happens?

My mother is in the bathroom...

I have to wait LONGER to get my pads and stop bleeding...gReAt! Finally, after what seems to be forever but only 2 minutes I run in the bathroom and got a pad and changed that shit! But in the bloody war, I ruin my favorite pair of underwear

But hey, I got my pad! So that’s a plus...right?

Well thank you girls so much for joining my bloody roller coaster! Now I’m going to go clean and wash my bloody underwear. Baiiii!