0 sex drive :( help please

My husband and I have been together for 13 years. For the last 10 my sex drive has been significantly lower than his. We are on extreme ends of the spectrum just opposite, he wants it at least once a day, I could go months without it. I am 28, he is 32. I find him extremely attractive I just never think about sex or sexual things and I have a very hard time getting and staying in the mood. I am to the point I will make up any excuse to avoid sex. When we do have sex it’s good, and I enjoy it, but I don’t ever want it. I feel so guilty for turning him down all the time and it changes his mood. He gets irritated and angry and moody and I honestly don’t blame him. How do I change? How do I raise my sex drive? I’ve tried different supplements, talked to my dr, read every article online and I still can’t bring myself to do it. I would love to give him sex at least once a week instead of once a month. I am now pregnant with our second baby 9 weeks and my sex drive is even worse if that is even possible. Please help