Do you judge children because of their names?


There’s a video of Katie Hopkins on “This morning” that has resurfaced and making the rounds on Facebook.

I can’t upload the video but I have an article that was written about the episode.

In the video she uses Tyler,Charmaine, and Chardonnay as her main examples. Saying that children with those names are more than likely to not have done their homework, they show up late to school and are sloppy. And that her children aren’t allowed to befriend kids with names she doesn’t like.

So my question is; do you judge children based off their names??

I’ve personally never judged a child based off their name, clothes or anything of the sort....

I have stopped my child from going over to houses were the parents are drug addicts, alcoholics or just plain bad people. But I’ve never stopped children with those types of parents from coming to my house, or playing with my child at the park.

(I’m not certain how old the video was, and I apologize if it’s already been brought up here before)

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