Twins born 26w5d

Jaynae • classy girl

September 12th,2018 sooo I been on hospital bedrest since 9/8 because of preterm labor when I came in they checked me I was 3cm so they started magnisum and steroid shots that stopped my labor and contractions until September 11th I kept tell my day nurse I was having contractions she said It wasn't showing on the monitor and I started to get pissed off because I know what I felt well fast forward to 9 that night I became in really intense pain so I called my night nurse in and told her I needed to be checked something was not right the doctor came in and lord behold I was 6cm so the start my magnisum back up and shave my vagina and everything prepping me just in case I needed a C-section although both babies were head down. So once there done getting me prepped up the take me to labor and delivery for the night to make sure I'm in a good environment if I were to go into labor but they tried to stop it again but because I was at 6cm they let me have a epidural I got my epidural started having panic attacks because I couldn't feel my legs lol the next morning my doctor comes in and say we'll you haven't had any contractions all night and your still 6cm we are going to furn your epidural off that was at 7 am! But at 8:15ish I started having hard painful contractions back to back so they came turned my epidural back on they checked me and I was 8cm at this point so they were rushing me into the or to give birth and because I was early they had 2 NICU teams working on each baby as they came out and they needed a bigger space they did a ultrasound to see how they babies were positioned both were head down! So I waited in the or from 9 to about 11:45 I started feeling loads of pressure like I had to push mind you it's 15 doctors and nurses in the or at this point by 12:10 I was ready to push and my sweet baby boy Camron was born at 12:18pm September 12th 2018 weighing 2pounds even ☺ but as I was getting ready to push my other sweet baby boy out he decided to flip sideways so I had to have him via C-section I got a bikini cut on the outside but the inside had to be a classic down the middle in order to get to baby b because he never dropped after his brother was born but at 12:41pm September 12th,2018 my sweet baby boy Cannon was born! Weighing 2pounds5oz ☺ neither of them are on any breathing tubes they are pooping and peeing just fine and also breathing well on their own I'm so proud of my babies ♥