Postpartum depression

How do I bring up PPD with my SO? My mother knows me very well and suggests that I get help, as hard as it is to admit, I do need help.

A lot happened in life right before I had my daughter Aug 26th. I was living with my parents, Aug 2nd the landlord gave notice she was selling the house and we had till the 31st to move out and my due date was the 31st! We were all stressed.

I went to the BC on the 25th with a high leak and while there baby was having dips in her heart rate so we induced but by the 26th she wasnt liking labor and we had to do a C-section. Not in my plans and I was highly freaking out the entire time.

Once out of the hospital after 5 days (Stayed longer cause baby won't latch on and feed) I moved right into my BFs place with his family. Honestly it's been hell living here. I don't have a car so I'm stuck at home all day long with a baby. His mother doesn't speak English and shows more love and care toward the baby than me (was like that when I was pregnant), it's just all hard. I miss seeing my family as much. My sister is my best friend and not hanging out with her all the time is a struggle.

My daughter still won't latch on my boobs and it's been 2 weeks, its honestly heartbreaking because it's always been something I've wanted to do and I can't. She just doesn't like my boobs.

He's working hard and he doesn't give money to his family it's just for us 3 but we struggle so much. After bills this week I felt guilty as heck having a baby because we had to cut one bill just so we could buy formula. I shouldn't feel that way.

I did tell my SO that my mom thinks it's a good idea to see someone about PPD and all he said was okay. I don't think he fully understands how much of a hard time I'm having, everytime I even think about saying something more i bust into tears before a word even comes out. I'm not sure how to even have that conversation.