Searching for Cycle Buddy!


Hello 🌞! My name is Kaleigh. My partner and I are both 27 years old and we have been TTC for a few cycles. Still very new to this whole thing but we wanted to be settled, prepared and waited for the right time for SO LONG! We are ready! 🙌🏼

I live a generally healthy lifestyle, weigh about 115 pounds and try to be mindful of what I eat. No health issues besides migraines. Hopefully I don’t pass on that trait🙈 my cycle is 25-26 days.

The first cycle we were just winging it, letting nature take its course. Nothing happened! It’s strange when you have lived your whole life under the impression of the idea that if you’re not using protection, it’s bound to happen. Thanks, Health Class. I was actually surprised that I did not get pregnant because I haven’t been on birth control in over 7 years and we prevented pregnancy with the good ol’ fashioned “pull-and-pray” method and never had an issue. Why is it when you finally WANT a baby, that’s all you can ever think about? 🤔

So I made the decision to take control of the situation. Jumping in head first. That’s why I’m here. 🤞

Last month, I went balls to the wall. I did everything I read about online and in books, had everyone telling me their personal experiences when they were TTC. “Just have fun, don’t think about it,” was the general consensus. I had to get more scientific. Started taking BBT every morning when my alarm went off, checking cervical position and CM as my evening ritual, and planned out all of my sexual activities according to my <a href="">ovulation calendar</a>. 😅I was so confident with all of my hard work, I just KNEW I was pregnant this time. I nailed it. I just had to get through the TWW. But how?! Every single day I was “symptom spotting,” every twinge or craving or pain was ABSOLUTELY pregnancy. It had to be! And then I got cramps, a small amount of spotting and then it was over, 3 days before AF. Could it be implantation bleeding? I was light headed. I couldn’t believe it. It was too good to be true! 🙏🏻

It was too good to be true, ended up just being AF because she ended up coming in the next day for her usual 4 days. 🙄 back to the drawing board.

So, THIS CYCLE we are doing everything that we did last cycle, with the adjusted period dates from AF set up in the calendar and added OPK’s to the mix. Now it’s a party! 😜 hoping for a BFP this month, feeling optimistic and promising myself I’m not going to take a test until my missed period. Just go with the flow and hope for no AF this month. 🍀

Hoping to find some similar cycle babes in the same boat as me. It would be nice to have someone to compare TTC trials and tribulations with. Or just someone to talk to! ❤️✌🏼