What should I do!?

My partner and I have been together for 4 years, we are due our first baby on the 29th of October, so I am currently 34 weeks pregnant.

I keep thinking I am hormonal but I have absolutely had enough of his shit! I need to vent my anger and get opinions ... sorry for the long post. This is how the week has gone so far:

Saturday: my mum and his Mum take me for afternoon tea as I don’t want a baby shower. I go and come back, he has been at a friends house. I have asked him while I’m out could he empty the bin, get home the bin is still full ... I end up sorting this myself.

Sunday: he goes to an event, I clean the whole house, go and get the food shopping. I move all the tools that are in my bedroom which I have been asking him to do for weeks. He comes home and makes the comment “you’ve been busy today” 😠. I make our tea I clean up after our tea.

Monday: I go to work he goes to work. We both get home, I make tea again ... I clean up again.

Tuesday: we both go to work. He texts me saying he is going to his mums after work ... 8:30 he comes home, I’ve made tea, we eat it he says he will wash up

Wednesday: I get up the pots are still on the side from the night before. I go to work he says he will make tea for when I get home. Im on my way home, he texts to say he is going for a run. I text back “what about my tea?” He gets arsey, doesn’t go for a run, I buy my tea on the way home. I get home, he how done some cleaning ... I put my plate on the side after my dinner and he says “you just leaving that there yea”

Thursday: I go to work, he works from home. I text on the way home telling him what I am making for tea and ask do we have the ingredients, he says yes. I get home he is sat in his dressing gown. My house blinds are closed, there are pots all over my house. I walk in, open the cupboard ... the ingredients I need are not there.

I am literally loosing my shit now! So much so I can’t live with this!! Am I being dramatic!? I’m considering leaving, if this is before a baby, what about when I have her!?