Not sure about a situation with a friend

Tree • 💙3-15-16❤3-22-18💙3-28-19

So we have known each other for years and at one point she was my best friend but things have changed but still talk. So when I found out I was pregnant I told her and she was happy for me. But then she had a an appointment and the doc told her her endometriosis was really bad and she wouldnt be able to have any more kids. (She does have one) I had sent her my first ultrasound pic and she was happy. Well I had really forgot When she was having surgery and i text her the morning of and she was in recovery I apologized and she went off on me saying I'm pregnant again and have 3 kids now and she cant have anymore and I guess everyone else was giving her grief about it. I gave her a few days and just text to see how she was. Should I never say anything about my pregnancy to her? Idk what to do about it. Its like a one sided friendship anyways i always text and ask how she is or her day she replys and the convo ends. Idk I'm lost, I get shes mad but she's always unhappy so I guess I was the person to go off on but i didn't/dont take offense.

And like I told my husband of I was in her position I would be extremely pissed but happy because we were friends.

Out of all that my ? is how should I handle the situation about my kids/pregnancy with her?