I’m either about to start my period, ovulating or pregnant

I’m so confused with what my body is doing lol.

So this month I didn’t use OPK’s, because it’s my first month actually TTC. Next month if I don’t end up pregnant I’m going to definitely use them 🤣

So my last period was on August 22. Like 22 days ago? I think. Maybe 23.

My boobs are sore. That doesn’t happen unless I’m pregnant, and sometimes before I start my period. Not every time.

I’m having little cramps here and there. More like twinges. Coming from both sides of my ovaries? Or in those areas. Nothing painful.

BUT then my CM is watery. My cervix is high and soft, not open. So that makes me feel like I might be ovulating?

Idek at this point. I’m just going to wait a week then test lol