Tinder guys and dates


Matched this guy on tinder this month and we chat a bit on it and moved to snapchat,week after we matched we set up a date,so went to the location that I was meeting him at and he seen my car and drove beside it and told me to get in which I did,he took my to the seaside and had a walk and a chat just about are each other and went into a coffee shop and had a coffee.Went on down the town a wee bit to a Amusement Park played some of the arcade games and then went back to his car and he said that he would take me to his favourite place at the seaside which is a secret beach just outside the town we where in and had a walk along the beach and he was very nice but not sure if I’m attracted to him as he was like fooling around pretending to like tickle me and push me but wasn’t feeling it.Then on the way back to his car he put his hand on the small of my back for no reason.when in the car on the way back to where my car was parked he rested his hand in my on thigh which fell like forever but probably was on like a few seconds and moved it to the seat and then away on his own side.when we got back to my car he said he had a good time and give me a hug and I said bye and he said he would give me a text to see if got home ok which he did also said he had a nice time again.Ever since that meet up he has been trying me to get to see him like nearly everyday and he text me everyday and tell what his plan are for the day and he says that he want to cuddle me and when he was drunk he text and said I’m here for you and that he likes me.He texted me there and said that he feels like we are just friends and that he want to see me in person.He is not what I would usually go for and also his friend tryed to add me on Snapchat and I have never met him yet just seen his story with the guy,he must be talking about me. What do you think i should do????