Revolve Fashion Under Fire For 'Fatphobia'


sorry if this has been posted about already but I did scroll through and didn't see anything.

Fashion retailer Revolve have come under fire when images surfaced on Instagram of a skinny model wearing a sweater that reads "BEING FAT IS NOT BEAUTIFUL IT'S AN EXCUSE"

The company have gone on to say that the line features troll comments that female celebrities have received

Despite the context behind these quotes do you think that this is a step too far? As pointed out the model in this example is skinny and her promoting this slogan comes across as insensitive and as others have stated fatphobic.

I also don't feel that people will be buying these sweaters for their intended purpose and do believe that it will just promote further fatphobic comments made towards people.

What are your thoughts?

* Also feel free to tell me if you feel this needs a TW