Completely lost 😩


So here I am, 12+2 weeks, my husband and I just bought a car a couple months ago and we just moved into a new apartment as of September 1st. Two days after we move in he tells me he’s not happy. Like he has been miserable for months. And now he’s “talking” to some THOT. We have been separated for a WEEK! Now you would think anyone in their right mind would speak up about being miserable so you could try and fix things but he decided to use the excuse, “ I didn’t wanna hurt you” ummmm pretty sure now that we just moved and bought a car together and IM PREGNANT it hurts a million times more!!! I’m going back through everything that happened and I literally waited on this man hand and foot. Now I’ll admit I’ve been a little unpleasant at times but 90% of that is hormones. And anyone else that has seen our interactions will tell you my husband isn’t always the nicest. I’m just trying to make sense of this all and trying to figure out what I did wrong. I know a lot of ladies are going to tell me be done with him but I love my husband and I believe in the sacredness of marriage and would do anything to try and repair it. I already have two older kids from two broken relationships and I’m not trying to make that three. I don’t know what to do. I want my husband back but I know I deserve to be treated better than he has recently.