
Leighann • RIP my 👼🏾 03/2010, Mommy to Nova 04/2019 💕 and soon to be mommy of Parker 10/2020 💙!

So; my breast have pretty much stopped hurting ..... although nipples are a LITTLE sensitive! I keep having pinkish discharge ( only when I wipe!) on and off! I’m just really not feeling pregnant anymore ... even tho; I get a lil nauseous here and there of if I’m eating the same thing too long! I’m trying not to freak but honestly; it’s so hard. I’m currently 9 weeks 4 days, next ultrasound is next week at 10 + 3 and I’m just scared it’s gonna show my baby stopped growing or something! I’m a wreck and this headache won’t let up ( I refuse to take any medications other than my prenatal even tho Tylenol is okay!). I’ve miscarried before and I’m trying my hardest to prevent it happening again but what if I just can’t!!! I’m so emotional!!! I should relax but it’s tough, I swear!