Was I wrong to be mad?


Hey guys, so a little backstory. I met my husband just shy of three years ago. We just got married in July. We have had a pretty solid relationship with almost no hiccups in the last year or so...but before then I caught him talking/sexting other women on dating sites. We fought, he went to therapy, he got rid of his smart phone, and it all seemed to be going well. Until yesterday. He says he wasn't 'talking' to other women like before, but I caught him looking up exes and past flings on Facebook. He had promised to stay off of it due to the fact that he couldn't be trusted on it. Long story short after hours of arguing, he finally told me that he was looking them up and masterbating to the memories of them hooking up. I was furious. Now I have no problem with masterbation I think it's normal, I get that. But I was super hurt that he was doing it to other women that he knows,instead of using me as a sexual outlet. We haven't had sex in a week or so but he'll masterbate like once or twice a day. Maybe I'm being crazy fr how he was before, and I just don't trust him anymore because of him always talking and sexting with other women in the past. But I feel like this is not okay. Am I wrong? Is this a normal guy thing?