Was being abused as children affecting my relationships

I know this probably not the right place to post this but it’s always been on my mind and I don’t talk about this kinda stuff with people close to me.

As a children I was always physically and mentally abused by father, if he wasn’t hitting my mom he would be whooping me until my thoughts and butt would bruised up and they would bleed.

It wasn’t until got older he would punch me and choke me.

Crazy enough my mother is still with him.

But I don’t know if I’m using this an excuse for my failed relationships

Cause I tend to believe how you were brought up doesn’t define how you are today.

However, it’s hard for me to open and to be affectionate with other people. When I’m doing the most for a guy they always tend to bring up “why I don’t care” “why don’t I have emotions”

(But that could just bc a typical fuck boy line)

I think I just have plain daddy issues because I’m into assholes.