Good tv series?

So just wondering what are some good tv series on Netflix or Stan (doesn’t have to be on there just easier) ? Me and my partner just finished watching Sons of Anarchy, breaking bad and game of thrones and are in need of something new (similar genres to them) to watch at night while bubs asleep. Preferably something that’s got a few seasons and that is finished or close or finishing. We dont really want to watch any new series with only 1-3 seasons and still going (unless it’s really really good!) as we don’t want to have to wait for more episodes/seasons to come because we already have so many unfinished things to watch that we are waiting on and we are impatient as hell. But all recommendations are welcome we would just prefer something that’s got a few seasons and that’s finished so we can move straight onto something else after that :) we are into stuff like crime/action/etc stuff like shooting and fighting and he hates any chick flicks or girly and anything that’s really fake 😂 but anything’s welcome!! If you could write a little bit about what the series is about too that’d be great :)