Should I be concerned?


Normally baby is pretty active In the evening and at night. I can normally feel a lot of kicking at that time. So yesterday I was at work and I had to help lift a resident and he basically just stopped helping half way through the transfer and was dead weight, this put a ton of strain on me, and it hurt my stomach from using all my muscles to keep him from not hitting the floor, after that I was running around like a maniac cause my floor was just a complete chaos mess. This was about 6:30-7pm. I got home about 10:45 and still hadn’t felt the baby kick after that at all last night, this morning I woke up and got out of bed around 9:30 and finally around 11a I felt like 2-3 kicks but I haven’t felt any sense. I have an anterior placenta so sometimes i can’t always feel super light kicks but over the past two weeks they’ve all been very prominent kicks. It’s now 11:45 at night and ive yet to feel kicks. And mine you I worked tonight so I have no idea if maybe there was a light kick here and there that I missed while doing my job or what. But like I said baby is normally ALWAYS kicking me at night, I’ve tried drinking sugary drinks, laying on my left side. And nothing. I’m 24+5 and I literally just had my appointment yesterday morning before work and baby’s heart beat sounded great and she was kicking the monitor like crazy. Am I just over thinking this????