My Acne Solution Pregnancy

Char • ❤️❤️❤️

Full disclosure, consult with your doctor anything I state is only from my experience.

I posted everywhere and did so much research and nothing seemed safe for pregnancy because nothing had been studied enough in pregnancy.

I used this stuff and stopped right after I got pregnant. My acne go SO PAINFULLY BAD. Nothing natural “safe” worked.

I like to avoid all medication and keep things all natural. But this is my face. I asked my ob. She said that pretty much anything topical is fine. It doesn’t actually get absorbed enough to reach the baby. She said even though there isn’t enough research she is confident in saying topical is ok.

Here is what saved my face. I still get a pimple here and there but this stuff makes it go away overnight when applied correctly right before bed. Like you really have to rub it in to work.

Might not work for all but I love this stuff.