No matter what I do I ALWAYS get awful razor bumps on my bikini line and I mean awful. I get so many spots and it’s bright red and so so sore and it rubs and hurts so badly when I walk. And it takes about 2 weeks to clear up. I literally do everything. I have a hot shower first, exfoliate, rub baby oil on the area, put loads of shaving foam on, shave with a brand new razor and do it so gently and slowly, when I’m done I’ll hold a cold flannel over where I’ve shaved and then I moisturise. Right after I’ve done it it’s completely fine and so smooth, but the next day the razor bumps and rash are horrendous. What else can I do??! I even tried putting deodorant on the area after I’d done because I heard that helps but nope it didn’t help. Does anyone know what I can do???